Membership options
Come and go, whenever you like — no commitment necessary.
Perfect for those trying netball for the first time, or seeing if UNC is a good fit.
per session
Yearly membership
All training sessions
First access for tournaments and friendly matches
Access a loan uniform
Train at any other Dutch club for €5 per session
per year (pro-rata)
Student membership*
Everything in a yearly membership — but with a 10% discount.
*Only available for undergraduate students.
per year (pro-rata)
New member?
Your first
two sessions
are free!
Membership information
​​​How to join UNC
1. Complete the UNC registration form
2. Receive your payment link with the pro-rata amount
3. Sign up on the Spond app using code TDDCD to access training sessions, matches, tournaments, and more!
Good to know:
Your first two sessions are free.
You must be a member to participate in tournaments, league matches, and friendly intercity matches.
The membership fee includes your individual Netball Netherlands membership.
Access to a club uniform for matches.
The membership fee excludes tournament entrance fees, UNC-hosted intercity matches, and league matches.
The club takes a summer (six weeks) and Christmas break (three weeks).
A member is defined in communications as someone who has paid a yearly membership fee.
A person must be 18 years and older to participate.
* Students receive a 10% discount. This offer is only valid for undergraduate students.